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"Ellen Arrand has, for decades, been counselling women and men to discard habits that no longer served them and help them to build better lives for themselves. She has led fundamental and advanced classes in counselling and taught workshops on a full-range of topics. I have attended as many as I could and am richer and more productive for it."
                               C.O., artist

"She has particular compassion for women's struggles and a great affinity for helping women create joy, power, and serenity in all areas of their  lives."
                            D.D., colleague

"'Thank you' seems so inadequate for expressing how grateful I am for everything that you have done for me. I feel like I owe you my life."

"You enabled me to transform my life. You led me out of the deep darkness of my past and into the light and hope of the present and future."
                   Client at the W.S.A.C.


 "Making art takes courage - and although our Lone Ranger, artist-as-loner, mythology would tell us otherwise, it requires support."

              Julia Cameron

"Nobody can stand the truth if it is told to him. Truth can be tolerated only if you discover it yourself because then the pride of discovery makes the truth palatable."

Fritz Perl

"It is possible to resolve childhood repression safely and without confusion - something that has always been disputed by the most respected schools of thought."

Alice Miller

"All men and women have an equal need for love. When these needs are not fulfilled it is easy to have our feelings hurt, for which we blame our partner."
John Gray


"Ellen has strong intuitive abilities."
                                 Art Therapist

"Thank you for listening."


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